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Top 10 Saccos In Kenya

Top 10 Saccos In Kenya

These are the top 10 Saccos in Kenya as of May 2021. In Kenya today, Sacco’s play a very important role in the lives of proving affordable loans, savings, and other financial products.

Recently, TerryAnne Chebet, a popular radio presenter announced to her fans that he had earlier this year joined the Nation Sacco, one of the top 10 Saccos in Kenya.

Nation Sacco for example allows one to save on a monthly basis, save exclusively for school fees or holidays, and invest in share capital.

According to a document seen by ShopaXo, members received 15 percent returns on share capital and 8 percent returns on member deposits.

To join the Sacco, all you need is apply to the Sacco headquartered in Nairobi. You make a monthly contribution of Ksh. 2000.00. With this you will be able to access loans up to three times your savings.

So what are the top 10 Saccos in Kenya? Let us have a look below.

Top 10 Saccos in Kenya

  1. Nation Sacco
  2. Waumini Sacco
  3. Stima Sacco
  4. Msahibu Sacco
  5. Safaricom Sacco
  6. Kimisitu Sacco
  7. Sheria Sacco
  8. Kenya Police Sacco
  9. Mwalimu Sacoo
  10. Harambee Sacco

You will notice that most of these Sacco’s begun with a certain group of people. For example Kenya Police Sacco’s is for our uniformed brothers and sisters from the police force. While some have restricted membership, others are open the general public where anyone can join.

Sacco’s provide members with cheap loans, return on investments (share capital and deposit savings) and in most cases tokens for meetings.   

Though there are thousands of Sacco’s in Kenya which serve the interests of millions of Kenyans, the list is the top 10 performing Sacco’s Kenya you should consider joining.

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