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HomeFYICounty Codes In Kenya For The 47 Devolved Units.

County Codes In Kenya For The 47 Devolved Units.

Here are the county codes in Kenya, which came into effect with the promulgation of the new constitution.

There are 47 counties in Kenya divided into smaller units such as sub-counties, districts, Locations, Sub-locations, and Villages.

A governor, who leads the devolved government in the county, heads the government business.

We will shortly be listing all the governors shortly.

It is not clear how these counties were assigned the codes, but to many, these are just numbers that may help in government business.

However, a closer look at the numbers reveal a pattern. Counties in the former Coast Province came first, then those in North Eastern, followed by those in Eastern, then came in those from Rift Valley, Western and Nyanza. Nairobi came in last.

Therefore, whether you are doing business with the county governments or for your own personal use, here are the county codes in Kenya.

County Codes In Kenya

County Code
Mombasa 001
Kwale 002
Kilifi 003
Tana River 004
Lamu 005
Taita Taveta 006
Garrisa 007
Wajir 008
Mandera 009
Marsabit 010
Isiolo 011
Meru 012
Tharaka Nithi 013
Embu 014
Kitui 015
Machakos 016
Makueni 017
Nyandarua 018
Nyeri 019
Kirinyaga 020
Muranga 021
Kiambu 022
Turkana 023
West Pokot 024
Samburu 025
Trans Nzoia 026
Uasin Gishu 027
Elgeyo Marakwet 028
Nandi 029
Baringo 030
Laikipia 031
Nakuru 032
Narok 033
Kajiado 034
Kericho 035
Bomet 036
Kakamega 037
Vihiga 038
Bungoma 039
Busia 040
Siaya 041
Kisumu 042
Homabay 043
Migori 044
Kisii 045
Nyamira 046
Nairobi 047

County Governors

Besides just knowing the county codes in Kenya, check below whether you know the all the county governors in Kenya.

County Governor
Mombasa Ali Hassan Joho
Kwale Salim Mvurya
Kilifi Amason Jeffah Kingi
Tana River Dhadho Gordana
Lamu Fahim Yasin
Taita Taveta Granton Samboja
Garrisa Ali Bonow Korane
Wajir Mohammed Abdi Mohamud
Mandera Ali Ibrahim Roba
Marsabit Muhamud Mohamed Ali
Isiolo Mohamed Abdi Kuti
Meru Kiraitu Murungi
Tharaka Nithi Onesmus Muthomi Njuki
Embu Martin Nyaga Wambora
Kitui Charity Ngilu
Machakos Alfred Mutua
Makueni Kivutha Kibwana
Nyandarua Francis Kimemia
Nyeri Patrick Wahome Gakuru
Kirinyaga Ann Waiguru
Muranga Mwangi wa Iria
Kiambu Ferdinand Waititu
Turkana Josphat Nanok
West Pokot John Krop Lonyang’apuo
Samburu Moses Kasainie Lenolkulal
Trans Nzoia Patrick Khaemba
Uasin Gishu Jackson Mandago
Elgeyo Marakwet Alex Tanui Tolgas
Nandi Stephen Sang
Baringo Stanley K Kipris
Laikipia Ndiritu Muriithi
Nakuru Lee Kinyanjui
Narok Samuel Kuntai Ole Tunai
Kajiado Joseph Ole Lenku
Kericho Prof.Paul Chepkwony Kiprono
Bomet Joyce Laboso
Kakamega Wyclife Oparanya
Vihiga Wilber Ottichilo
Bungoma Wyclife Wafula Wangamiti
Busia Sospeter Ojaamong
Siaya Cornel Rasanga
Kisumu Prof. Peter Anyang Nyong’o
Homabay Cyprian Awiti
Migori Zachary Okoth Obado
Kisii James Ongware
Nyamira John Nyangarama Obiena
Nairobi Mike Mbuvi Sonko


Country governments are here with us to stay. Whereas in the past business opportunities were centralized at Nairobi, today you can get these same services at the counties.

Maishah Marsden
Maishah Marsdenhttps://shopinkenya.com/
Maishah Marsden is the founder of ShopaXo (ShopInKenya.Com) and Maishah.Co.Ke . He is a top Kenyan blogger casually called by his peers as "Life'. If he is not writing your favorite articles, he is with his family. He loves sport and won't mind going on Safari anytime.


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