Home BANKS Co-operative Bank Swift Code

Co-operative Bank Swift Code

Co-operative Bank Swift Code

The Co-operative Bank Swift Code is KCOOKENA and allows you to receive money internationally. Remember, this is for Co-operative bank Kenya.

Again get it here once more, that the Co-operative bank Swift Code is KCOOKENA. Off course without the dot you are seeing.

I wrote here about the Equity Bank Swift Code. You can go to that page and understand what exactly a swift code is and how it is used.

Moreover, go here to get all the Co-operative bank branches in Nairobi and their bank codes. Want to understand what a bank code is? Then you can read this article here that just explains about that.

But in a nutshell, a swift code;

  • Is used to identify a bank, in other words, we can refer to it as the banks fingerprint.
  • Helps you send and receive money worldwide.
  • Helps banks share information.


Final Thoughts

Swift codes are very important in international money transfers and at times, you may need them. You can follow this series of posts to get to know all the swift codes of bank in Kenya.

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