Home BLOGGING How to Make Money on Fiverr Using Your Blog

How to Make Money on Fiverr Using Your Blog

How to Make Money on Fiverr Using Your Blog

What to know how to make money on Fiverr? The dream of every blogger is to earn enough money from writing to be able to quit that boring day job. Writers are people that enjoy freedom, flexibility, and inspiring others. Often time, we work to survive, and view writing as a fun hobby. But what if you could survive by quitting your day job and writing full time?

As Marsden Maisha has mentions frequently on this blog, it takes a lot of work to grow your audience and start making money with your blog – but it is possible. And for many, it is worth it.

Although using AdSense and selling advertisements directly from your website are useful ways to make some extra money, if you aren’t using Fiverr, you are missing out on a valuable source of income.

What is Fiverr.com?

Fiverr is a website where people can buy and sell services starting at $5 (with Fiverr taking $1). Services on Fiverr include logo design, article writing, modeling, and just about anything else that you can imagine.

If you need help installing WordPress, or if you want someone to sing “Happy Birthday” to your brother, you can find someone willing to do it on Fiverr for $5.

For bloggers, Fiverr is an invaluable tool. Firstly, it is a great place to find design, writing, and marketing assistance that will help grow your own website.

Secondly, it’s a valuable source of extra income. Especially for a smaller blog without much recognition, Fiverr gives you several valuable ways to increase your earnings.

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How Fiverr Can Help Bloggers Make Money

Selling on Fiverr starts at $5, but can up to over $100. If people enjoy buying your services, it won’t be long before you can charge a lot – and people will be willing to pay it.

Here are several ways that you can earn a significant amount of money from Fiverr.

1. Sell advertising on your blog

Start by offering a three sentence advertisement with a link at the bottom of an article for $5. Then, you can charge more to include a logo or video with the advertisement.

It is a good idea to only include advertisements that your readers will be at least a little bit interested in. You never want to spam your readers. Also, if the advertiser gets a lot of readers from your website, they may order again.

2. Sell guest posts on your blog

Many businesses struggle to get their content in front of their audience. If you have a group of readers that a business is interested in, you can charge them $5 to submit a relevant article with a link to their business at the bottom for $5.

If they would like you to write the article, you can charge an extra $10-$20. Content marketing is the way most advertising is going now – if you provide companies with a useful way to do this, they will reward you for it.

3. Do product reviews on your blog

If your blog is related to a specific product, service, or niche, you can make a lot of money doing reviews for products – both with blog posts and with YouTube videos.

For $5, agree to review a product that a company sends to you to keep. For $20 more dollars you will return the product back.

I know several fitness bloggers who receive workout supplements and equipment for free – with the businesses hoping that the blogger will write about their product.

4. Run giveaways on your blog

Everyone likes being a winner. It is common knowledge that people are much more likely to sign up for a newsletter or following someone on social networks, if they either receive something free, or if they have a chance of winning a prize.

Using a free service like rafflecopter.com, you can easily run sweepstakes from your website. If you run a giveaway for a company for $5, not only does it help them, but you can increase your number of followers as well. This without a doubt is my favorite way of making money on Fiverr.

5. Share your following

The famous marketing guru, Seth Godin, says that we live in the “connector age” – where the most valuable commodity is having people that will listen to you.

If you have a large following on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or any other social network, people will pay you to mention their business. For $5, you can agree to tweet out a message once.

For $10, you will write the tweet yourself – making it sound more authentic. It’s amazing how many people make money sending out tweets.

Become a Full-Time Blogger

Although selling on Fiverr may require more work than inserting Google Adsense, the immediate payoff is higher. If you want blogging to become your full time job, Fiverr is a good way to help make that happen.


Any blogger will want to use available avenue to try to make a cent and increase his/her income. Fiverr is one of the way you can bring in that much needed revenue.

However even as you do this, remember to provide value and offer solutions to people problems.

Many people enjoy making a living from their blog – what’s holding you back? If you have questions or suggestions, share them with the rest of us in the comments section below.

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