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Climax Bus Online Booking; Destinations and Contacts

climax bus online booking

Does Climax Bus have online booking? I got this question from one of my blog followers. Immediately after getting that question, I got into research.  

In this article, I bring to you Climax bus online booking, destinations, and contacts. But first, what are climax buses?

Climax buses or otherwise called climax coaches is a bus company that operates to cities in the former Nyanza, Rift Valley, and Western Provinces. It provides passenger services, cargo, and freight services.

Climax Bus Destinations

From it base in Nairobi’s Machakos Country bus Station, it plies to these destinations;

  • Kisumu
  • Siaya
  • Kericho
  • Nakuru
  • Majengo
  • Mbale
  • Chavakali
  • Kapsabet
  • Shamakhokho
  • Kakamega
  • Webuye
  • Eldoret
  • Matunda
  • Mois Bridge
  • Kitale
  • Webuye
  • Bungoma
  • Busia
  • Mumias

Climax Bus Online Booking

This is what brought us here, so let me answer this question without bias. So does Climax Bus offer online booking?

Am sorry to disappoint you, they do not.  Like all the busses that operate from Machakos Country bus, you present yourself on the day of travel, get your ticket, get into the bus, and hope that other passengers will join you for the trip.  

Moreover, they do not have a timetable, your journey can be delayed for hours if there are no passengers. The buses will only get going once they are ‘full.’

As for the fares, they operate like all other bus and shuttles companies in Kenya. When the demand is high, fares jump up, when demand is low, the fares drop. Only Easy coach has fixed fare prices.

You can call them on +254 717 146600


Should you take Climax buses to the destinations above? Before I give you my honest review, look at these comments I found on their Facebook page.

Obondo Solomon Says, ‘I tried the Bondo bus yesterday night at around 8, from Nairobi to home somewhere around Kombewa. The conductor alinipitisha penye nilifaa kushuka( The conductor did not drop me where I was to alight) . Ok, we made a deal that he’ll bring me back. Kurudi( On our way back) the guy told me to get up and create space for people going to Nairobi. I was really frustrated, and worse off he forcefully pulled me from the seat harassing me in front of the other passengers. Hata hakunishukisha at the exact spot alinipitisha tena( the driver did not drop me where I was to be dropped again).
This Sacco looks mediocre, look for a better way to handle your customers.
Personally I will never use climax, afadhali nirudi nilale( I would better go to the house) estate. I regret using this bus.”

Got Solo Says, “I told the turn-boy where I need to alight,akaniambia niambie( he told me to tell the diver) driver. Instead of answering me politely he chased me away…”kwenda…toka hapa then akakanyaga brake na kuachilia nikajiskia nimegongwa na chuma…currently naumwa na kichwa vibaya na akanishukisha njiani na mizigo yangu. (Get out of here, he then push on the brakes and I hit a metal bar. He then dropped me way off my dropping point while throwing my laggage at me.)
I hate climax services forever…

Nilikua nataka kushuka Tuskys past hotel Kunste Nakuru but akanishukisha Medical. Very bad experience!!! Huyo driver namuombea mabaya! ( I was to alight at Tuskys past Hotel Kunste but he drove past and dropped me at Medical. I wish the drive all evil)”

You do not rocket science to understand that these people had bad experience on Climax buses. I have never used the buses myself, but from what I hear from travelers, it a bus company you would want to avoid.  

Moreover, the Machakos country bus station is a den of thieves and robbers. You will be luck if you will have your luggage and other items on you.  

Unless you know you way around, and are ready to handle shit, then take Climax buses. But from my end please get an alternative.


Climax Coaches is one of the bus that ferry passengers to Western Kenya. However, there are reputable buses and shuttles that ply the route.

If you would like to take a bus, then you can consider taking Easy Coach, Mash Poa, or even Dreamline. There are also reputable shuttles such as North Rift, Great Rift, Blueline, Prestige, and Mololine.

Have you ever used Climax Coaches to western Kenya? If you have, what was your experience like?

What do you think?

Written by Judith Atieno

Judith Atieno is an intelligence researcher who enjoys helping old ladies across the road, painting and meditation. She is Kind and Outgoing, but can also be very pessimistic and a bit impatient.
She has a degree in journalism, though that is not what she does. However, she won't mind writing articles that keep readers on the edge.

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